PP ČR - LS - Bezpilotní prostředky vč. příslušenství

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailLS-591-14/ČJ-2023-9800KR03. 10. 2023TELINK, spol. s r.o.386 486,10319 410,00386 486,10319 410,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailTELINK, spol. s r.o.Praha386 486,10319 410,00CZKYes
DetailGEOTRONICS Praha, s.r.o.Praha 4469 467,90387 990,00CZKNo
Detail3gon Positioning s.r.o.Praha461 736,00381 600,00CZKNo
DetailDronPro s.r.o.Praha400 863,80331 292,40CZKNo

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

LS-591-14/ČJ-2023-9800KR2023386 486,10319 410,00