Silnice III/4932: Lipová - Slavičín

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSML/0440/2426. 09. 2024MI Roads a.s.17 184 179,3414 201 801,1117 184 179,3414 201 801,11CZK

Published Documents

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DetailPísemná zpráva zadavatele Lipová - Slavičín.pdfPísemná zpráva zadavatele03. 10. 2024 08:24Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailSWIETELSKY stavební s.r.o.České Budějovice18 493 431,0015 283 827,27CZKNo
DetailMI Roads a.s.Praha17 184 179,3414 201 801,11CZKYes
DetailCOLAS CZ, a.s.Praha17 786 153,0014 699 300,00CZKNo
DetailPORR a.s.Praha19 355 153,9515 995 995,00CZKNo

Written Report - Justification

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Justification for the selection of the economic operator
Justification for using other means of communication for submitting bids instead of electronic means
Justification for not dividing an above-threshold public procurement into lots
Justification for setting requirements for proving turnover in case of proceeding according to Article 78(3), if not stated in the tender documentation
DetailVybraný dodavatel nabídl nejnižší nabídkovou cenu, která byla jediným hodnoticím kritériem veřejné zakázky.

List of subcontractors

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Detail123 stavby, s. r. o.29457050
DetailObalovna Lipník s. r. o.05637589