VZ – výměna oken a dveří - kynologie - Klatovská

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPP-111050-25/ČJ-2023-0300VZ25. 09. 2023Petr Pacanda370 796,00306 443,00370 796,00306 443,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailOKNOSTYL group s.r.o.Kuřim705 067,00582 700,00CZK
DetailZOOM INVEST s.r.o.Praha962 616,95795 551,20CZK
DetailHOME WEST CZ s.r.o.Plzeň741 972,00613 200,00CZK
DetailWH Develop s.r.o.Lázně Toušeň646 679,66534 446,00CZK
DetailPetr PacandaErpužice370 796,00306 443,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPP-111050-25/ČJ-2023-0300VZ2023370 796,00306 442,98