Oprava chodníků v Týnci nad Sázavou

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail19/202225. 04. 2022PETR ŠACH stavební , s.r.o.2 414 795,831 995 699,032 414 795,831 995 699,03CZK

Published Documents

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Detail19/2022Smlouva o díloSmlouva27. 04. 2022 08:53Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailBENESOLAR s.r.o.Bystřice2 602 036,002 150 443,00CZK
DetailPETR ŠACH stavební , s.r.o.2 414 795,831 995 699,03CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

19/202220222 414 795,831 995 699,03