KRˇP Pzk - Pzeň 2 - Slovany, Slovanská alej 2046/26 - přestavba bytů na administrativní prostory

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPP-154120-11/ČJ-2019-0300VZ-VZ16. 03. 2020SILBA-Elstav s.r.o.1 027 204,60848 929,42CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailSILBA-Elstav s.r.o.Letkov
DetailDIDSTAV družstvoPlzeň
DetailS T A V E B N Í M O N T Á Ž E spol. s r.o.Plzeň

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPP-154120-11/ČJ-2019-0300VZ-VZ2020954 241,60788 629,42
KRPP-154120-11/ČJ-2019-0300VZ-VZ20209 680,008 000,00
KRPP-154120-11/ČJ-2019-0300VZ-VZ202063 283,0052 300,00
KRPP-154120-11/ČJ-2019-0300VZ-VZ202095 212,5278 688,03