Odvoz a likvidace nebezpečných odpadů 2023 - 2027

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailCES-184/202324. 07. 2023JMK recycling, s.r.o.1 210 000,001 000 000,001 210 000,001 000 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailCES-184/2023CES 184 2023.pdfSmlouva21. 08. 2023 08:37Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailPurum s.r.o.Praha
DetailRUMPOLD-P s.r.o.Příbram
DetailJMK recycling, s.r.o.Kladno
DetailRecovera Využití zdrojů a.s.Praha

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

CES-184/202320235 630,134 653,00
CES-184/2023202326 450,6021 860,00
CES-184/202320235 184,254 284,50
CES-184/2023202322 506,0018 600,00
CES-184/202320238 851,157 315,00
CES-184/202320237 317,486 047,50
CES-184/202320235 154,964 260,30
CES-184/2023202325 343,4520 945,00
CES-184/202320235 255,034 343,00
CES-184/202320234 902,444 051,60