Lakování služebních vozidel a dílů v letech 2023-2024

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ20. 10. 2022KAPPA-P2 000 000,001 652 892,562 000 000,001 652 892,56CZK

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List of Participants

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Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ8 005,956 616,49
KRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ15 952,1013 183,55
KRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ6 562,185 423,29
KRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ15 502,8112 812,24
KRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ6 108,525 048,36
KRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ8 724,647 210,45
KRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ11 557,569 551,70
KRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ15 370,9812 703,29
KRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ12 328,4710 188,82
KRPU-168986-9/ČJ-2022-0400VZ13 156,7710 873,36