KRPU-Ostrov 15, Vlaštovka, rekonstrukce - studie proveditelnosti

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPU-160151-21/ČJ-2024-0400VZ04. 10. 2024Ing.arch. HORKÝ PAVEL168 900,00168 900,00168 900,00168 900,00CZK

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DetailMichal BílekPardubiceNo
DetailIng.arch. Jiří VojtěšekPrahaNo
DetailIng.arch. HORKÝ PAVELÚstí nad LabemYes
DetailSIEBERT + TALAŠ, spol. s r.o.PrahaNo
DetailARCHGET architects s.r.o.PrahaNo
Detail1:1 architekti s.r.o.PrahaNo
DetailArchsign s.r.o.PrahaNo