Silnice III/4932: Lipová, směrová úprava

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSML/0234/1929. 03. 2019SWIETELSKY stavební s. r. o.4 010 002,373 314 051,58CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailREPONT s. r. o.4 189 729,473 462 586,35CZK
DetailSWIETELSKY stavební s. r. o.4 010 002,373 314 051,58CZK
DetailCOLAS CZ, a. s.4 111 726,473 398 121,02CZK
DetailKKS, spol. s r. o.4 143 511,313 424 389,51CZK
DetailFREKOMOS, s. r. o.4 230 060,663 495 917,90CZK