Rekonstrukce kamerového systému v areálu SVA Pankrác

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailX08. 12. 2020ALKOM Security, a.s.886 153,18732 358,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailSoD do NEN.zipSmlouva08. 12. 2020 10:52Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailLENIA spol. s r. o.Praha912 520,29754 149,00CZK
DetailPBR KOMTECH spol.s r.o.Praha 950 024,24785 144,00CZK
DetailALKOM Security, a.s.Praha886 153,18732 358,00CZK
DetailSKS s.r.o.Blansko944 431,74780 522,10CZK
DetailORZO SECURITY, spol. s r.o.Ostrava965 881,29798 249,00CZK
DetailSECURITY TECHNOLOGIES a.s.Brno955 674,94789 814,00CZK
DetailCEPENA, a.s.Praha922 240,52762 182,25CZK
DetailWattcom s.r.o.Tochovice980 096,37809 997,00CZK
DetailELMONT GROUP, a.s.Brno955 586,61789 741,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

X2021886 153,18732 358,00