Modernizace kanceláří ve 3.NP Přípotoční, Praha 10 – realizace

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailZSM-63-11/OVZ-201703. 10. 2017SILBA-Elstav s.r.o.2 094 985,531 731 393,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailB&P INTERIÉRY s.r.o.Ostrava2 178 402,571 800 332,70CZK
DetailTEMO-TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s.Praha2 367 494,971 956 607,41CZK
DetailROYAL DIAMOND - stavební společnost s.r.o.Praha2 517 474,002 080 557,00CZK
DetailWANDEL CZECH s.r.o.Ledeč nad Sázavou1 962 762,091 962 741,09CZK
DetailSILBA-Elstav s.r.o.Letkov2 094 985,531 731 393,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

ZSM-63-11/OVZ-201720182 472 337,562 043 254,18