SSL OZP p. o. – Chráněné bydlení Pod Vodojemem Zlín – projektová dokumentace

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailD/2104/2019/ŘDP25. 09. 2019JaP architects s.r.o.387 200,00320 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailJaP architects s.r.o.Zlín387 200,00320 000,00CZK
DetailFAKO spol. s r.o.Kroměříž840 950,00695 000,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

D/2104/2019/ŘDP202024 200,0020 000,00
D/2104/2019/ŘDP2019363 000,00300 000,00