SPŠ Zlín - rekonstrukce velké tělocvičny - výkon funkce technického dozoru stavebníka a koordinátora BOZP na staveništi

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailD/2638/2024/INV07/29/2024LUIS Zlín CZ s.r.o.986,150.00815,000.00986,150.00815,000.00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailDEKPROJEKT s.r.o.Praha1,197,900.00990,000.00CZKNo
DetailLUIS Zlín CZ s.r.o.Zlín986,150.00815,000.00CZKYes
DetailJuxela s.r.o.Kroměříž1,028,500.00850,000.00CZKNo

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance
