A scheduled downtime of the authorized section of NEN is currently in progress. For details, see News and Information.

46/2019 ÚP 34 Černý Důl

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSMLJ-30-284/201917. 07. 2019Lukáš Hrodek258 335,00213 500,00CZK
DetailSMLJ-30-284/201917. 07. 2019Lukáš Šlechta258 335,00213 500,00CZK
DetailSMLJ-30-284/201917. 07. 2019Martin Horák258 335,00213 500,00CZK
DetailSMLJ-30-284/201917. 07. 2019Ladislav Varcl258 335,00213 500,00CZK
DetailSMLJ-30-284/201917. 07. 2019Čeněk Jon258 335,00213 500,00CZK
DetailSMLJ-30-284/201917. 07. 2019HYDRO - M s.r.o.258 335,00213 500,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailSMLJ-30-284/2019Smlouva17. 07. 2019 10:55Dokument není zavirovaný