VZMR č. 31/20 - Nákup respirátorů II

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail6998/1.20/2014. 10. 2020Reamedix s.r.o.302 500,00250 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailKS - respirátory - Reamedix_reg.pdfSmlouva14. 10. 2020 14:20Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailLUKSÍK - PROMEX s.r.o.Veltrusy511 225,00422 500,00CZK
DetailBTL zdravotnická technika, a.s.Brno484 000,00400 000,00CZK
DetailSNAJM s.r.o.Frýdek-Místek462 220,00382 000,00CZK
DetailAdviso Finance s.r.o.Praha359 975,00297 500,00CZK
DetailBATERIE CENTRUM, s.r.o.Ostrava390 225,00322 500,00CZK
DetailR & T ČR, s.r.o.Chýnice498 520,00412 000,00CZK
DetailMICRONIX,spol. s r.o.Praha438 625,00362 500,00CZK
DetailGOLD OFFICE s.r.o.Olomouc438 625,00362 500,00CZK
DetailCool agency s.r.o.Praha448 910,00371 000,00CZK
DetailMEDICAL PROTECT, s.r.o.Brno438 625,00362 500,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

6998/1.20/20302 500,00250 000,00