Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2/202419. 02. 2024SPIDERS, s.r.o.23 956 989,3821 390 169,0923 956 989,3821 390 169,09CZK

Published Documents

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Detail2/20246a-Soupis prací_BD Vyskeř-uznatelné náklady.pdfSmlouva28. 02. 2024 19:05Dokument není zavirovaný
Detail2/20246b-Soupis prací_BD Vyskeř-neuznatelné náklady.pdfSmlouva28. 02. 2024 19:05Dokument není zavirovaný
Detail2/20246-Celková rekapitulace soupisu prací.pdfSmlouva28. 02. 2024 19:05Dokument není zavirovaný
Detail2/2024SoD Vyskeř-podepsaná.pdfSmlouva28. 02. 2024 19:05Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailB.C.M. company s.r.o.Vrchlabí24 481 787,6821 858 739,00CZK
DetailSPIDERS, s.r.o.Liberec23 956 989,3821 390 169,09CZK
DetailSTAVBY KOŤÁTKO s.r.o.Sobotka27 960 595,1524 313 561,00CZK
DetailRudolf HolýSkalany26 390 241,2323 562 715,38CZK
DetailArthur Design s.r.o.Praha28 409 352,1625 365 493,00CZK

Written Report - Justification

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Justification for the selection of the economic operator
Justification for using other means of communication for submitting bids instead of electronic means
Justification for not dividing an above-threshold public procurement into lots
Justification for setting requirements for proving turnover in case of proceeding according to Article 78(3), if not stated in the tender documentation
Detailzadavatel nepožadoval

List of subcontractors

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DetailWATTRON s.r.o.17969646
DetailHrádek s.r.o.49096095
DetailLB GRES Tomáš Kučera67252524