Ochranné pracovní pomůcky 2024

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPU-105967-12/ČJ-2024-0400VZ26. 06. 2024FOR JOB PROTECT, s.r.o.509 165,92420 798,28509 165,92420 798,28CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailCANIS PLUS s.r.o.Ostrava512 393,24423 686,40CZK
DetailFOR JOB PROTECT, s.r.o.Žlutava509 165,92420 798,28CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPU-105967-12/ČJ-2024-0400VZ108 572,0089 979,00
KRPU-105967-12/ČJ-2024-0400VZ6 780,005 603,60
KRPU-105967-12/ČJ-2024-0400VZ169 045,00139 707,00
KRPU-105967-12/ČJ-2024-0400VZ224 466,00185 508,68