Silnice II/494: Valašské Klobouky - Vlachovice

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSML/0164/2109. 04. 2021EUROVIA CS, a.s.124 268 367,30102 701 130,00132 979 751,25109 900 620,87CZK

Published Documents

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DetailPísemná zpráva zadavatele hranice krajů Valašské Klobouky - Vlachovice.pdfPísemná zpráva zadavatele14. 04. 2021 10:08Dokument není zavirovaný

Amendments to the Contract/Agreement

331. 10. 2022 205 566,67-1 822 782,37
227. 10. 2021,000,00
119. 08. 2021 916 950,629 022 273,24

List of Participants

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DetailSTRABAG a.s.Praha129 585 254,13107 095 251,35CZK
DetailDoprastav, a.s., organizační složka PrahaPraha136 593 593,78112 887 267,59CZK
DetailPORR a.s.Praha131 979 574,96109 074 028,89CZK
DetailEUROVIA CS, a.s.Praha124 268 367,30102 701 130,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

SML/0164/21202263 960 058,7752 859 552,70
SML/0164/21202169 019 690,0057 041 066,12