14|15 BAŤŮV INSTITUT – pořízení dotykových kiosků

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail6/202125. 02. 2021emam s.r.o.299 470,16247 496,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailAUTOCONT a.s.Ostrava350 900,00290 000,00
DetailInfos Art, s.r.o.342 854,00283 350,00
DetailPOS Digital s.r.o.Praha428 400,50354 050,00
Detailemam s.r.o.Blansko299 470,16247 496,00
DetailIMPROMAT-COMPUTER s.r.o.Zlín403 414,00333 400,00
DetailGROUP24 INNOVATIONS s.r.o.Praha410 190,00339 000,00
DetailWeboo s.r.o.Praha361 790,00299 000,00