Údržba alkoholtesterů Däger v roce 2024

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ26. 01. 2024Dräger Safety s.r.o.1 450 000,001 198 347,111 450 000,001 198 347,11CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailDräger Safety s.r.o.Čestlice1 450 000,001 198 347,11CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ83 285,5168 831,00
KRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ78 827,0164 981,00
KRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ25 085,7220 732,00
KRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ19 664,9216 252,00
KRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ57 257,2047 320,00
KRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ10 890,009 000,00
KRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ1 391,501 150,00
KRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ11 797,509 750,00
KRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ69 536,2857 468,00
KRPE-2995/ČJ-2024-1700VZ5 445,004 500,00