Úklid hotelových prostor RD

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailDSM/2023/004606. 12. 2023GARRNER Systems s.r.o.2 420 000,002 000 000,002 420 000,002 000 000,00CZK
DetailSML/2023/019012. 09. 2023GARRNER Systems s.r.o.2 420 000,002 000 000,002 420 000,002 000 000,00CZK
DetailDSM/2023/003710. 10. 2023GARRNER Systems s.r.o.2 420 000,002 000 000,002 420 000,002 000 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailPROPRETTE s.r.o.Praha975 616,95806 295,00CZK
DetailREVOR GROUP s.r.o.Most1 956 479,251 616 925,00CZK
DetailTREKVILA s.r.o.Praha708 830,10585 810,00CZK
DetailMBC servis s.r.o.Praha756 600,90625 290,00CZK
DetailGARRNER Systems s.r.o.Chorušice645 196,20533 220,00CZK
DetailOBS Praha s.r.o.Praha1 194 875,00987 500,00CZK
DetailCLEAN International, spol. s r.o.Praha1 591 488,801 315 280,00CZK
DetailNOKIKA s.r.o.Praha796 422,00658 200,00CZK
DetailPLURAL servis s.r.o.Praha2 184 595,091 805 450,49CZK
DetailNAFRA s.r.o.Mníšek pod Brdy1 525 870,501 261 050,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

SML/2023/01902024478 610,06395 545,50
SML/2023/0190202375 956,0062 773,55