EVL Údolí Bánovského potoka + EVL Mokřad u Slováckých strojíren

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailD/1651/2022/ŽPZE15. 07. 2022Tři Kavky z. s.59 392,0059 392,0059 392,0059 392,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailTři Kavky z. s.Vsetín59 392,0059 392,00CZK
DetailBenpra servis s.r.o.Svatobořice-Mistřín136 039,57112 429,40CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

D/1651/2022/ŽPZE202259 392,0059 392,00