Domov pro seniory Burešov p.o. – dodávka židlí

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

Show detail
Detail202207113. 10. 2022SORAL & HANZLIK Medical s.r.o.659 301,00544 876,80659 301,00544 876,80CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailJECH CZ s.r.o.Dobruška689 208,00569 593,00CZK
DetailViktoria Medika s.r.o.Přerov689 185,00569 574,38CZK
DetailInterier Vysočina, s.r.o.764 478,00631 800,00CZK
DetailPROFIL NÁBYTEK, a.s.Humpolec708 982,56585 936,00CZK
DetailDlugosz s.r.o.Ostrava660 660,00546 000,00CZK
DetailSORAL & HANZLIK Medical s.r.o.Praha659 301,00544 876,80CZK
DetailQUERCUS NÁBYTEK, s.r.o.Zlín782 787,72646 932,00CZK
DetailLB BOHEMIA, s. r .o.Břeclav665 379,00549 900,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

20220712022659 301,00544 876,80