Oprava bytu č. 4 v BD Poděbradova 58, Brno

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSML/017/202402. 02. 2024Mlénský stavební, s.r.o.251 956,32224 961,00251 956,32224 961,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailVIVAS CZ s.r.o.Brno297 562,72265 681,00CZK
Detail3COMP s.r.o.Praha333 239,23297 535,03CZK
DetailOSS Brno,  s.r.o.Brno364 416,55325 371,92CZK
DetailDefingo s.r.o.Brno352 366,56314 613,00CZK
DetailAbixeor s.r.o.Kratochvilka280 667,52250 596,00CZK
DetailMlénský stavební, s.r.o.Brno251 956,32224 961,00CZK