KS Brno – rekonstrukce balkonu nad hlavním vchodem do budovy Husova 15

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSpr 398/202327. 03. 2024CDP Sedlák s.r.o.313 568,48259 147,50313 568,48259 147,50CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailMETROLINE a.s.Praha484 000,00400 000,00CZK
DetailMoravská stavební unie - MSU s.r.o.Brno473 400,40391 240,00CZK
DetailCDP Sedlák s.r.o.Brno313 568,48259 147,50CZK
DetailShaft s.r.o.Praha512 422,60423 489,75CZK
DetailKapoturo s.r.o.Praha143 345,31118 467,20CZK
DetailZOOM INVEST s.r.o.Praha387 091,10319 910,00CZK