OS Opava - plnění smlouvy MUDr. Wehowská

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

Show detail
Detail33 Spr 2017/201630. 12. 2016MUDr. Jana Wehowská30 000,0024 793,3930 000,0024 793,39CZK

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Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

33 Spr 2017/201620235 700,004 710,74
33 Spr 2017/201620225 325,004 400,83
33 Spr 2017/201620216 300,005 206,61
33 Spr 2017/201620205 201,004 298,35
33 Spr 2017/201620193 300,002 727,27
33 Spr 2017/201620184 900,004 049,59