MS Praha - úprava kanceláře č. 111_III, Slezská

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail1754/202311. 08. 2023ZOOM INVEST s.r.o.637 077,06637 077,06637 077,06637 077,06CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailMartin KubaHoloubkov814 200,53672 893,00CZK
DetailZOOM INVEST s.r.o.Praha637 077,06637 077,06CZK
DetailTudos Solution s.r.o.Praha1 066 506,31881 410,17CZK
DetailMIPASTAV, s.r.o.Praha863 052,76713 266,74CZK
DetailPWB stavby s.r.o.Praha759 214,46627 449,97CZK
DetailShaft s.r.o.Praha783 372,32647 415,14CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

1754/20232023743 645,66614 583,19