Úklidové práce společných prostor SAB

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSpr 577/202026. 10. 2020FORCORP GROUP spol. s r.o.517 896,46428 013,60517 896,46428 013,60CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailPERFECT pure service, o.p.s.Rohatec9 680,008 000,00CZK
DetailFORCORP GROUP spol. s r.o.Olomouc517 896,46428 013,60CZK
DetailABC education s.r.o.Brno8 470,007 000,00CZK
DetailSEŽEV chráněná dílna s.r.o.Brno551 527,68455 808,00CZK
DetailVladimír LedererChabařovice570 926,40471 840,00CZK
DetailSKYCLEAN s.r.o.Praha977 021,76807 456,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

Spr 577/20202023118 684,6198 086,45
Spr 577/20202022118 684,6198 086,45
Spr 577/20202021118 684,6198 086,45