OS Opava - plnění smlouvy TQM

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail33 Spr 1096/201513. 07. 2010TQM - holding s.r.o.326 380,00269 735,54326 380,00269 735,54CZK

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Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

33 Spr 1096/2015202368 370,2456 504,33
33 Spr 1096/2015202290 897,6275 122,00
33 Spr 1096/2015202187 693,5472 474,00
33 Spr 1096/2015202085 055,7470 294,00
33 Spr 1096/2015201982 880,0068 495,87
33 Spr 1096/2015201854 325,0044 896,69