KS Praha – rámcová dohoda na provádění malířských prací

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

Show detail
Detail1022/202014. 09. 2020Bedřich Sigmund35,0035,0035,0035,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

Show detail
DetailPROFI COLOR, s.r.oRostoklaty157,30130,00CZK
DetailSIMMAX s.r.o.Praha36,9130,50CZK
DetailBedřich SigmundHolice35,0035,00CZK
DetailKarel ZukalDlouhá Ves73,8161,00CZK
DetailVáclav BazalPraha98,0181,00CZK
DetailKarel VaniniŠvábenice37,5131,00CZK
DetailKapitán Praha s.r.o.Praha 94,3878,00CZK
DetailVV TOP s.r.o.Brno193,60160,00CZK
DetailALFA stav PV s.r.o.Praha115,5095,50CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

1022/2020202383 215,0068 772,72
1022/2020202256 114,0046 375,20
1022/20202021210 318,00173 816,52
1022/2020202077 922,0064 398,34