OS Opava - plnění smlouvy Edenred stravenky

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail33 Spr 646/200419. 03. 2004Edenred CZ s.r.o.8 000 000,008 000 000,008 000 000,008 000 000,00CZK

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Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

33 Spr 646/200420233 001 045,683 001 045,68
33 Spr 646/200420222 753 188,902 753 188,90
33 Spr 646/200420212 565 080,002 565 080,00
33 Spr 646/200420202 261 800,002 261 800,00
33 Spr 646/200420192 375 910,002 375 910,00
33 Spr 646/200420182 181 240,002 181 240,00