Dokup licencí a podpora již vlastněných licencí HCL Domino Complete Collaboration do 31.12.2025

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail126/2022-MSP-CES30. 12. 2022Whitesoft s.r.o.581 360,57480 463,28581 360,57480 463,28EUR

Published Documents

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DetailPísemná zpráva zadavatele.pdfPísemná zpráva zadavatele06. 01. 2023 11:46Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailVUMS LEGEND, spol. s r.o.Praha604 211,55499 348,39EUR
Detaild-PROG s.r.o.Praha585 286,20483 707,60EUR
DetailWhitesoft s.r.o.Praha581 360,57480 463,28EUR
DetailTOTAL SERVICE a.s.Praha639 242,00528 299,00EUR

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

126/2022-MSP-CES202310 849 467,238 966 501,84