KS Praha – Výběrové řízení na dodavatele servisních služeb a oprav motorových vozidel

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSpr 1524/201910. 02. 2020Autocentrum FEMAT Radotín 600 000,00495 867,76600 000,00495 867,76CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailAutocentrum FEMAT Radotín Praha 5633 042,96523 176,00CZK
DetailAUTO STYL a.s.Praha750 409,49620 173,13CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

Spr 1524/2019202413 109,0010 833,88
Spr 1524/20192023175 744,00145 242,97
Spr 1524/20192022104 440,0086 314,04
Spr 1524/20192021127 374,00105 267,76
Spr 1524/20192020123 200,00101 818,18