KS v Plzni - nákup kancelářských potřeb

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailOBJ č. 25/202408. 03. 2024ACTIVA spol. s r.o.439 761,35363 439,13439 761,35363 439,13CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailPAS, s.r.o.Praha428 597,73354 213,00CZK
DetailACTIVA spol. s r.o.Praha439 761,35363 439,13CZK
DetailJan VytopilMoravičany468 572,50387 250,00CZK
DetailPROFIA PAPER, a.s.Plzeň458 215,99378 690,90CZK