OS Praha 5 - tonery 8/2023

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail60 Spr 729/202326. 09. 2023Pody print s.r.o.30 913,0825 548,0030 913,0825 548,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailPody print s.r.o.Praha30 913,0825 548,00CZK
DetailPavel DanihelkaVeselí39 204,0032 400,00CZK
DetailPREMO s.r.o.Staré Město39 204,0032 400,00CZK
DetailThein Systems a.s.Brno50 515,0841 748,00CZK
DetailSpolek Trend vozíčkářů OlomoucOlomouc37 984,3231 392,00CZK