OS Praha 5 - kancelářské potřeby 2023

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail60 Spr 763/202306. 10. 2023PAS, s.r.o.32 230,5526 636,8232 230,5526 636,82CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailMEFISTO s.r.o.Praha41 095,2333 963,00CZK
DetailSTILUS TRADE spol. s r.o.Praha32 236,8226 642,00CZK
DetailPAS, s.r.o.Praha32 230,5526 636,82CZK
DetailVIKPAP GROUP s.r.o.Krnov38 784,7432 053,50CZK
DetailEMADO Hradec Králové, s.r.o.Hradec Králové43 003,4135 540,01CZK
DetailJan VytopilMoravičany58 648,7048 470,00CZK