Zhotovení stavby - KSZ České Budějovice - OSZ Prachatice - kompletní rekonstrukce

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail3 SPR 54/202202. 04. 2024MONTIMA s.r.o.5 984 219,434 945 635,895 984 219,434 945 635,89CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailRoman KučeraČeské Budějovice6 749 110,175 577 777,00CZK
DetailLUSPOL SEPraha6 720 321,855 553 985,00CZK
DetailMONTIMA s.r.o.Vimperk5 984 219,434 945 635,89CZK
DetailShaft s.r.o.Praha5 689 121,594 701 753,38CZK