Nákup kombinovaný adaptér

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2023 / OIT / 814. 02. 2023C SYSTEM CZ a.s.5 788,644 784,005 788,644 784,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailNetfox s.r.o.Praha5 844,304 830,00CZK
DetailFrantišek VránaUherské Hradiště6 441,275 323,36CZK
DetailDatok, s.r.o.Brno6 739,705 570,00CZK
DetailC SYSTEM CZ a.s.Brno5 788,644 784,00CZK
DetailXEVOS Solutions s.r.o.Ostrava6 037,904 990,00CZK
DetailScenario s.r.o.Ostrava5 910,854 885,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

2023 / OIT / 820235 788,644 784,00