Zajištění garantovaných datových služeb pro areál Veleslavín, Praha 6

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailZSM-65-30/OVZ-201809. 08. 2018ha-vel internet s.r.o.214 896,00177 600,00214 896,00177 600,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailWIA spol. s r.o.Praha318 859,20263 520,00CZK
Detailha-vel internet s.r.o.Ostrava214 896,00177 600,00CZK
DetailÚVT Internet s.r.o.Jesenice400 752,00331 200,00CZK
DetailTECHart systems 680,00408 000,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

ZSM-65-30/OVZ-2018201944 770,0037 000,00
ZSM-65-30/OVZ-2018201811 341,739 373,33