VV Praha Ruzyně – celková oprava místnosti č. 502 na 5.NP budovy C
Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded
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VS-499-11/ČJ-2024-8001PR | 27. 02. 2024 | KVOTYBEK spol. s r.o. | 182 718,47 | 151 007,00 | 182 718,47 | 151 007,00 | CZK |
Published Documents
List of Participants
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Josef Gonda | Ostrov | 306 752,59 | 253 514,54 | CZK | No | |
Kapoturo s.r.o. | Praha | 307 536,60 | 254 162,48 | CZK | No | |
T-bro CZ s.r.o. | Praha | 334 803,16 | 276 696,83 | CZK | No | |
STAVBY PL s.r.o. | České Budějovice | 233 577,90 | 193 039,59 | CZK | No | |
KVOTYBEK spol. s r.o. | Praha | 182 718,47 | 151 007,00 | CZK | Yes | |
Basano s.r.o. | Praha | 347 729,33 | 287 379,61 | CZK | No | |
Roman Behota | Praha | 329 443,32 | 272 267,21 | CZK | No | |
MC Invest Czech s.r.o. | Praha | 284 543,91 | 235 160,26 | CZK | No | |
P & M bau, s.r.o. | Praha | 373 021,98 | 308 282,63 | CZK | No | |
VV TOP s.r.o. | Brno | 320 301,01 | 264 711,58 | CZK | No |