Stavební opravy po havárii vodovodní přípojky

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2024/BSO/02/000010-0015. 02. 2024Kapoturo s.r.o.310 447,86256 568,48310 447,86256 568,48CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailHOME WEST CZ s.r.o.Plzeň498 520,00412 000,00CZK
DetailSTASKO plus, spol. s r.o.Karlovy Vary371 439,47306 974,77CZK
DetailJMK elektro, s.r.o.Branišovice520 997,42430 576,38CZK
DetailJČ Leščinský s.r.o.Sokolov569 857,43470 956,55CZK
DetailKapoturo s.r.o.Praha310 447,86256 568,48CZK
DetailMETROLINE a.s.Praha551 222,22455 555,55CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

2024/BSO/02/000010-002024256 568,48256 568,48