VZ č. 5/2023 v DNS - Automobil M1 (mikrobus) - nákup 2020 - 2023

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2311100030019. 06. 2023Nelagia s.r.o.33 846 120,0027 972 000,0033 846 120,0027 972 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailAuto Kora top s.r.o.Valašské Meziříčí36 526 875,0030 187 500,00CZK
Detailauto MOTOL BENI a.s.Praha 536 037 732,5029 783 250,00CZK
DetailAUTO IN s.r.o.Pardubice37 882 075,0031 307 500,00CZK
DetailAUTO VINKLER, s.r.o.Písek34 917 242,1528 857 224,90CZK
DetailNelagia s.r.o.Praha33 846 120,0027 972 000,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

23111000300202418 373 608,0015 184 800,00
23111000300202315 472 512,0012 787 200,00