VZ č. 4/2022 autobusy kategorie M3 meziměstské

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2211100017822. 04. 2022TEZAS servis a.s.31 931 900,0026 390 000,0031 931 900,0026 390 000,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailTEZAS servis a.s.Praha31 931 900,0026 390 000,00
DetailŠKODA ELECTRIC a.s.Plzeň38 521 560,0031 836 000,00
DetailMAN Truck & Bus Czech Republic s.r.o.Čestlice34 561 631,7228 563 332,00

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

22111000178202231 931 900,0026 390 000,00