Nákup PHM na období říjen - prosinec 2017

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPK-68162/ČJ-2017-1900VZ09. 10. 2017ČEPRO, a.s.2 040 423,001 686 300,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailUNIPETROL RPA, s.r.o.Litvínov0,001 687 700,00CZK
DetailČEPRO, a.s.Praha0,001 686 300,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPK-68162/ČJ-2017-1900VZ2017540 512,46446 704,51
KRPK-68162/ČJ-2017-1900VZ2017569 514,69492 987,35
KRPK-68162/ČJ-2017-1900VZ2017277 609,00229 429,20
KRPK-68162/ČJ-2017-1900VZ2017554 830,40458 537,52