Část 9 - Buffer ATL

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPS-157168-84/ČJ-2017-0100MT-VZ25. 10. 2017DYNEX TECHNOLOGIES, spol. s r.o.2 414,001 995,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailUzavřená smlouva - část 3,4,7,9,10 - DYNEX TECHNOLOGIES,spol. s. o.Smlouva06. 11. 2017 09:25Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailDYNEX TECHNOLOGIES, spol. s r.o.Praha2 414,001 995,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPS-157168-84/ČJ-2017-0100MT-VZ2 414,001 995,00