DNS ICT 6/2017 část III

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailMV-115771-15/VZ-201709. 11. 2017HESPERIA s.r.o.778 385,74643 294,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailKupní_smlouva_DNS_ICT_6_2017_na_část_III.pdfSmlouva10. 11. 2017 13:25Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailHESPERIA s.r.o.České Budějovice778 385,74643 294,00CZK
DetailZ + M Partner, spol. s r.o.Ostrava817 239,39675 404,46CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

MV-115771-15/VZ-20172017778 385,74643 294,00