Dodávka a montáž kamerového systému - modernizace CCTV na pobočce v Olomouci

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSpr 3225/201815. 11. 2018SKS s.r.o.1 184 588,78978 998,99CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailLENIA spol. s r. o.Praha1 376 208,441 137 362,35CZK
DetailSKS s.r.o.Blansko1 184 588,78978 998,99CZK
DetailSECURITY TECHNOLOGIES a.s.Brno1 451 219,551 199 355,00CZK
DetailJIMI CZ, a.s.Praha1 289 378,001 065 602,00CZK
DetailSYZA s.r.o.Třebenice1 423 405,761 176 368,40CZK