OS Opava - plnění smlouvy Opavanet

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail33 Spr 1098/201601. 01. 2018OpavaNet a.s.160 000,00132 231,40160 000,00132 231,40CZK

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Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

33 Spr 1098/2016202343 560,0036 000,00
33 Spr 1098/2016202243 560,0036 000,00
33 Spr 1098/2016202143 560,0036 000,00
33 Spr 1098/2016202043 560,0036 000,00
33 Spr 1098/2016201943 560,0036 000,00
33 Spr 1098/2016201839 930,0033 000,00