OS Opava - plnění smlouvy Z+M Partner

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail33 Spr 2100/201709. 01. 2018Z + M Partner, spol. s r.o.350 000,00289 256,20350 000,00289 256,20CZK

Published Documents

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Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

33 Spr 2100/20172023192 599,17159 172,87
33 Spr 2100/20172022196 144,60162 103,00
33 Spr 2100/20172021124 849,01103 181,00
33 Spr 2100/20172020112 423,5292 912,00
33 Spr 2100/20172019107 436,6088 790,58
33 Spr 2100/20172018148 236,62122 509,60