DNS CNS Oracle 3/2020 - SŽDC

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailMV- 69153/OKB-202009. 06. 2020Asseco Central Europe, a.s.1 159 700,67958 430,30CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailAsseco Central Europe, a.s.Praha1 159 700,67958 430,30CZK
DetailTECHNISERV IT, spol. s r.o.Brno1 171 157,64967 898,88CZK
DetailSolutia, s.r.o.Praha 101 171 157,64967 898,88CZK
DetailSimac Technik ČR, a.s.Praha1 180 068,63975 263,33CZK
DetailYOUR SYSTEM, spol.s r.o.Praha1 169 884,65966 846,82CZK
DetailNeit Consulting s.r.o.Praha 11 183 887,62978 419,52CZK